Tips For Choosing A Heating Fuel

If you want to install a heating system, one of the decisions you have to make is which fuel to use for the heating system. This is a critical factor that has far-reaching consequences. Below are some of the factors that will help you get the right heating fuel for your home. Availability Some energy sources are more common in some parts of the country than others. In most urban areas, you can find almost all energy sources from electricity to wood. Read More 

Reasons To Switch From A Heat Pump System To A Dual-Fuel System

Many homes rely exclusively on a heat pump system for both heating and cooling. Making the switch to a dual-fuel system could substantially improve the efficiency of heating your home, especially on the coldest days, while also saving you money. Reduce System Burden Heat pumps generally have a shorter lifespan than a system with AC and a furnace. This is because the heat pump takes on the year-round burden of heating and cooling your home. Read More 

4 Technologies That Can Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Does the air you breathe in your own home make you feel sick on a regular basis? Many people can experience health challenges if they're forced to breathe air polluted by dander, dust, mold spores, and other unwelcome particles. If you're fed up with coughing, sneezing, wheezing, and eye irritation, you may need to ask your local provider of indoor air quality services for state-of-the-art assistance. Here are four technologies that just might do away with your discomfort. Read More 

2 Possible Reasons Why Your Central AC Unit Is Making Your Home Too Humid

While you mostly depend on your central air conditioner to keep your home cool during the summer months, you may or may not realize that the unit also helps to pull moisture out of the air and lower the humidity inside of your house. If your home's interior suddenly feels as though it is located in the tropics, one of the reasons below may be causing the issue. 1.  Condenser Coils Inside the AC Unit Are Dirty Read More 

The Biggest Home Air Quality Threats Most People Never Suspect

If you were to be walking by a huge industrial operation billowing out large clouds of toxin-laden smoke or steam, you would probably hold your breath without even thinking about it. Yet, most people are exposed to more toxins at home in their own home than what they are anywhere else. Indoor air quality is a major concern, but many people have no idea they have suspect particles hanging out in the air they breathe while they are relaxing in their own residence. Read More