Maintenance You Should Be Performing On Your Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner is one of the major appliances in your home that needs to be maintained, but most people ignore this appliance until there is a problem with it. You maintain other appliances in your home, so why not your air conditioner? Without maintaining it properly, it is going to eventually break down long before its lifetime is up. Air conditioners can last quite some time, so if you are experiencing a breakdown after just a few short years of having this appliance, it could be for failing to maintain the system. If you aren't sure what type of maintenance tasks you should be performing, read on for a few of these tasks.

Keep A Clear Perimeter

Your exterior condensing unit needs a clear perimeter all the way around it. If you have overgrowth growing all the way around your unit or anything is leaning against your unit, you need to clear it out. Remove grasses growing too close to it, or any bushes, flowers, or other growths. Also, remove clutter from around the unit. Never stack anything on the unit or build anything around it to try and block the unit from view. All of these things can cause an issue with air flow to the unit.

Remove Dirt From The Fins

The fins on the unit can accumulate with dirt, dust, and anything else that is airborne and blowing through the air in your yard. Remove the housing of your exterior unit and spray the fins along the outside of the unit. These fins can easily bend, so you need to spray them gently with a garden hose. Remove the buildup from these fins and spray from the inside of the unit out, and spray the interior of the unit as well, but do not get water onto the motor if possible. Close the housing when finished and secure it in place.

Change Your Air Filter

The air filter inside your HVAC unit will need to be changed all throughout the year. These should be changed every other month, or sooner if you have a lot of dust and dander in your home. Remove the air filter and swap it with a new one that is the correct size. Use a good quality air filter that helps to trap more dust particles to prevent these particles from getting into your system and throughout your home.

If you aren't maintaining your air conditioner, you will end up with a breakdown long before you should expect one. Reach out to an HVAC company to learn more about air conditioning maintenance services.
