Does Your Furnace Really Need An Annual Inspection?

If you live in an area where temperatures dip below freezing in the wintertime, you understand just how vital access to a functional furnace can be. With furnaces playing such a prominent role in helping to maintain the comfort of American homes, it's essential that homeowners are taking the time to care for their heating units properly. You may find yourself wondering if investing in a professional inspection of your furnace on an annual basis is an expense that can be overlooked.

Here are three important reasons why annual inspections for your furnace should be at the top of your home maintenance checklist.

1. A technician will check your furnace's wiring for damage.

Condensation is created within your furnace as the cold air from outside is drawn in and heated before being distributed throughout your home. This condensation can collect on the wiring of your home's furnace, causing the wires to become damaged and corrode over time.

If you choose to invest in an annual inspection, a qualified technician can simply repair any damaged sections of wire before they become too corroded to function properly. Damaged wires that are left unattended could cause your entire furnace to malfunction, resulting in the need for a new furnace whose installation could cost you between $2,297 and $5,541.

2. A technician will check your furnace blower motor's amp draw level.

Experts estimate that heating and cooling costs account for about 48% of a residential home's energy expenses. If you are looking for a simple way to reduce your monthly utility bills, then investing in an annual inspection for your furnace could be the answer.

During the inspection, a skilled technician will test the number of amps being drawn by your furnace's blower motor while it is in use. Checking the measured amp draw level against the manufacturer's recommended level will help your technician determine if minor repairs could be made to the blower motor to make it more energy efficient.

3. A technician will replace your furnace's filter.

During any comprehensive annual inspection, a technician will replace your furnace's filter. The filter plays a critical role in helping to improve the quality of the air inside your home. Indoor air quality is estimated to be between two and five times worse than the air outside.

Contaminants like dust mites, pet dander, and chemical cleaning products can all find their way into your indoor air supply. Having a clean filter in your furnace helps to ensure that these contaminants are removed from your home's air before your family breathes it in.

Understanding the vital role an annual inspection plays in maintaining the safety and functionality of your furnace will help you see how important it is to invest in your furnace's next annual inspection. Contact a business, such as Chappel's Heating & Cooling, for more information. 
