Popular Myths About Repairing A Gas Water Heater

Gas water heaters are efficient and long-lived, but these units get an unfair share of myths to go along with them, especially when it comes to repairs. Here is a look at a few of those myths.

Myth: Gas water heaters rarely quit working and when they do they need to be replaced.

On the contrary, gas water heaters can quit working for all kinds of reasons. From problems with sediment in the tank to issues with the heating elements, a good water heater repair technician can probably point out a dozen or so problems that could make a unit stop working. Thankfully, there is little truth to this myth; the majority of failed units can be repaired with a little professional insight and assistance. 

Myth: You can't replace heating elements on a gas water heater. 

Just like any type of tank water heater, a gas water heater does have heating elements. These elements can quit working, but some homeowners mistakenly believe that these elements cannot be replaced. The sad part about this myth is, heating elements are some of the easiest things to replace on a water heater powered by any type of fuel. A good repair professional will not charge a lot for the work because they can be in and out in a very short time frame. 

Myth: Gas water heaters do not have a sacrificial anode rod. 

The sacrificial anode rod is a simplistic part of most water heaters that is specifically in place to sacrifice itself, hence the name. This rod is made out of things like aluminum and magnesium, which will attract impurities in the water that would normally attach to the interior of the tank. Periodically, this rod has to be replaced, but many owners believe that gas water heaters do not have these rods. Pretty much every metal-tank water heater will have a sacrificial anode rod, including those powered by any form of gas. In fact, the anode rod is one of the first things a water heater repair technician will check when they do a performance diagnosis. 

Myth: You can't replace the pressure valves on your water heater without emptying the tank. 

Every water heater has pressure release valves on the top that release extra stress inside the tank if pressure builds too high. These valves can corrode with age, but they can definitely be replaced with a repair technician's help. Most often, the tank will not have to be emptied in order to make this simple repair. 

If you are having some issues with your gas water heater, you should call a repair technician, such as Edelman Inc, near you. 
