Furnace Maintenance And Care Tips

There's nothing better than coming in on a bitterly cold day to your cozy warm house - that is if your furnace is working properly. If your furnace isn't cared for properly, you could wind up in the cold. If that happens, you may be looking to find a technician to come work on your furnace in that bitter cold and may need to pay a little extra if it's an emergency. Read More 

5 Tips for Reducing Your Heating Bills

Have you ever opened up your heating bill in the winter and wanted to scream? You're not alone. The cost of heating a home is getting increasingly more expensive. If you live in a bigger home, it is easy to spend hundreds of dollars on heating if you're not careful. However, if you change some of your habits, it is possible to heat your home without breaking the bank. Here are five helpful tips for reducing your heating bills: Read More 

Improve Your Home and Health With a Complete Air Duct Cleaning

If you're having issues with a lot of dust and dirt coming up through your air ducts every time the furnace or AC unit comes on, it may be time for a good air duct cleaning. A professional indoor air cleaning is accomplished by taking a camera and placing it inside of your home's ductwork to see how much dust and debris is trapped inside. From there, a professional will extract all of the dirt, leaving behind a fresh-smelling surface that improves air quality in your home. Read More 

Troubleshooting Common Furnace Problems That Leave You Without Heat During Cold Weather

Cold weather means that you need to have the heating turned up to prevent freezing and other problems. Problems can arise when you least expect them and leave you without heating when you need it most. Knowing a few simple troubleshooting tips can help you solve the problems quickly and warm the house back up.  1. Checking the Filter and Vents for Clear Airflow Filters and airflow are important for your heating to work efficiently. Read More 

Saving Money On Heating Costs This Coming Winter

If you just purchased your own home, and money is currently tight with the addition of a mortgage payment to undertake, you will most likely want to take steps in trying to save cash whenever possible. The heating you use within your home is one area where you can take steps to minimize the amount you use in an attempt to save on energy costs. Here are a few tips you can use to keep your heating bill low when cooler temperatures arrive. Read More